Saturday, February 26, 2011

Time goes by... So slowly...

We are three months and one week away from the wedding... It seems like I've been saying that it's three months away FOR.E.VER! Time felt like it was going by quickly for quite a while but now it feels like we've kind of hit a wall... But I guess, the time will come. Things have been getting done one at a time and everything has gone smoothly to this point. I really hope that it stays that way!

Ever since we've started planning the wedding, I have I spent a lot of time reading a wedding blog site, I love reading all of these brides', called 'Bees,' posts as they plan their weddings. They hash out all of their ideas and feelings as they are planning their weddings, they post DIY tutorials, and then, after their weddings, they post recaps of their weddings. They tell all about the days leading up to their weddings with all their pre-wedding events and then go through their wedding day events as well. They post their professional pictures and walk all of the readers through all the feelings they were feeling on their special day. They let us in on all of the secrets of what didn't go perfectly and what they would have done differently if they had the chance. I have gotten a lot of great ideas from reading the numerous brides' ideas and experiences and taken some of their how-to's and done them myself. I also have made lists of things that they would do differently if they could go back, so I can hopefully plan my day and avoid doing things 'wrong.' It is really interesting to read all the different people's posts because of the fact that they all come from such different backgrounds. None of them seem to be planning a 250 guest, small-town Iowa wedding, though :)

I got a call on Friday that all of my bridesmaids' dresses are in at the bridal shop. That makes me very excited! I can't wait to see them in the right color and all in the right sizes and on the girls. (Even though I probably won't really ever see them all in their dresses until the actual wedding day) They are going to look so great! :) It makes me smile just to think about them all standing up at the front of the church with Trent and I.

I had always known from the beginning of the planning that I was going to be making our flower girl, Trent's niece, Taylor's flower girl skirt. I'm sure you've all seen the tutus that are made out of tulle, well this is the same thing except a skirt and not a tutu. I actually made the skirt today and I like it, but I don't love it. I will be seeing her next weekend, so I'll have her try it on and hopefully that makes me love it. Otherwise I guess we'll have to go to Plan B. (first I guess we'll have to figure out what Plan B is...)

That's all for now!
Oh, one more thing..... GO ROCKETS!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Gametime, HUH!! (Manly noise...)

I'm pretty certain all of you received a blank post from me yesterday... That was a mistake due to my 'smart' phone not being so smart. It should know better than to post something that was blank... but oh well. At least I've got everyone's attention now.

This past weekend was a great one. I was supposed to spend the weekend in the Des Moines area with my cousins Traci and Tricia, as Tricia was going to do a trial run of my hair for the wedding. But, sadly, Tricia came down with the flu and really didn't feel like doing much at all, which I don't blame her at all!

I won't lie, I was kind of happy that my weekend plans were changed. It allowed for a lot more down time, and didn't require driving 4 hours on I-80. Instead, my Saturday consisted of some deep cleaning of my apartment. It was definitely time for that anyways. Especially since we were hosting a Super Bowl 'party' this weekend. Another reason I was happy that I got to stay home was because I got the opportunity to travel to Mapleton to see the Ar-We-Va girls play in the Conference Tournament championship game. Unfortunately, they lost, but it was still fun to be there and I'm glad I got to go.

Sunday was another fairly relaxing day. Trent and I went and worked out around noon and then when I got home, I did some final preparations for our little get together and started making some food. Now when I say 'little get together' I truly do mean that. It was just Lauren and I and our significant others at our apartment. But I like it that way, and it was nice to relax and watch the game (and the commercials). We just had typical game watching food. We had little smokies, some chips and dip, and pizza and Lauren made a veggie pizza (our 'healthy' alternative). ;)

At the beginning of the game, it seemed as though everyone was going for the Packers, but as the game went on, I let it slip that, deep down, I was really going for the Steelers. I don't know what it really was, but I think I just can't bring myself to cheer for a team that has Green and Gold as their colors... It's in my blood I guess. :)

I have to say I wasn't too impressed with the commercials this year. I don't really remember being impressed for the past few years either. There were a couple that I chuckled at and that we said were pretty good, but nothing really was AWESOME! The one that I remember the most is the Volkswagen commercial with the little guy in the Darth Vader costume. Talk about cute!!

I heard on the radio this past week that the day after the Super Bowl is one of the most missed days of work in the year and that millions of people call in sick. The radio personality then went on to say that, with that knowledge, we should just make the Monday after the Super Bowl a holiday... and I like that idea! :)

That's all for now!