Last weekend, Trent and I started the process of preparing his apartment for me and all my clothes and things to move it, which will be happening in about 2 short months. We are trying to get ahead of the game and start moving things from my apartment to his that I won’t need now, and then hopefully it will be easier to move the rest of the stuff when the time comes without having to worry about all of the little things. So far I have moved my tub of purses and a tub of wrapping paper and things. I’d say I’d better get a move on! I just am having a hard time finding things that I can live without for 2 months ;) Trent went through his closets in his spare bedrooms and made it so all of his stuff fit into one of them, so I can have the other spare room’s closet for my things. We also moved one car load of things to our storage unit, which we like to call ‘My Parents’ House.” Aren’t they so the best?!
Every time that we do a little more ‘preparing’ for me to move in, I go through a wave of excitedness to get everything moved and in its place. It will be great to have the apartment feeling like ‘our’ place. It’s strange to think about though… At the end of May, I’m going to be living in my apartment like normal, and then I am going to go away for a weekend, and then I’ll come back to Omaha and BAM! I live somewhere different… and with a BOY!! Weird! :)
Last weekend, I also went to Des Moines to meet up with my cousin Tricia, at my cousin (her sister) Traci and her husband Derrick’s house. (Who looks very cute when she’s pregnant I might add!) Tricia will be doing mine and the bridesmaids’ hair for the wedding. We did a little run through of my hair style to see how it looked and if we liked it. At first, I couldn’t even tell her if I liked it or what I didn’t like about it because I was so shocked to see myself looking like I did, all done up and stuff. And then I got my veil on and things and it just made me so emotional and excited. It reminded me a lot of when I had my dress on for the first time. That was a very emotional time as well. To just imagine that I am going to be looking like that on my wedding day and to imagine Trent seeing me for the first time walking down the aisle like that, it all just brings tears to my eyes and makes me wish the next 65 days would just hurry up!
Speaking of my dress… Next week should be THE week when my dress comes in! FINALLY! I can’t wait to put it on again and see how it looks. It’s been 6 long months since I had it on and I hope it’s still makes me as happy as it did the first time I put it on! I’ll be anxiously waiting for the call!
And here's a picture from last Friday when Trent and I and Trent’s coworker made a trip to the court house in Council Bluffs to apply for our marriage license. Working on making it legal!! :) YAY!!